Sunday, December 29, 2019

Gun Reforms - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 3068 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2018/12/17 Category Law Essay Type Cause and effect essay Level High school Tags: Crime Essay Gun Control Essay Violence Essay Did you like this example? In the recent years, Gun reforms remain the biggest challenge and debate in security agencies in the United States of America. Gun violence has claimed numerous innocent lives causing great moaning in the United States. Similarly, gun caused violence has also left several people crippled or with serious injuries hence affecting the health of the victim. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Gun Reforms" essay for you Create order This challenge is mainly caused by the issuance and possession of unrestricted firearms in the United States. Therefore a research should be done to investigate the current and the best gun reforms which will decrease the gun-related crimes(Huerta, 2015 pg 1848). Additionally, this will also reduce the number of deaths of innocent people who die due to gun violence. To do so, governments must control gun supply by illegalizing its possession without any exception to any condition. According Alexander, gun violence is the use of guns to cause any harm or injury to the human species. Additionally, gun violence is the general misuse of firearms. Therefore it broadly describes a category of crime and violence done with the use of a gun which can or not be activities of self-defense, sports, law enforcement actions and game hunting(Alexander, 2003). Most argue that gun violence comprises of deliberate use of guns to commit murder, cause an injury or threaten a person. In the last two decades, gun violence among the adolescents and children has increased, this is due to the presence of guns which make then to end up causing misfortune among themselves and the overall public. This essay will talk gun reforms in the United States as compared to other nations. It will also talk about the negative impacts of guns in the society. In the last three decades, gun reforms in the United States have been widely debated in different ways by different groups in the society. Research shows that united states of America have the largest number of its citizen with guns worldwide. According to the gun control agencies, Americans have approximately 270,000,000 guns; hence they have the highest number of guns in the world. Additionally, this means that in every 100 people in the US there are 89 guns or 89 of them have guns. Statistics show that 22% of the United States population has one or more guns. 35% of this population comprises of men while 12% are women. The gun culture in America originates back from their colonial history, frontier expansion, revolutionary origins, and the 2nd Amendment, which states that a well-controlled militia, is important to the safety of a free nation, the freedom of its citizens to have and keep firearms, should not be violated. Furthermore due to the high population in America, cultures and legal laws which allow gun ownership among their citizens, gun possession in America has escalated rapidly over the years. Additionally, the rapid increase of insecurity levels in the country has also lead to the demand gun privatization, thus increasing the number of firearms. This has also lead to numerous debates aiming at amending the gun laws, which will lead to full control of guns and their use and ownership. Most of the private gun owners have opposed the motion on gun reform since it will interfere with their regular activities such as drug trafficking and game hunting. Over the last two to three decades the gun culture in America has changed. This change has been mainly contributed to the formation of illegal gangs in some of the states such as Chicago who misuse the guns. A reflection of the impact of firearm misuse in the society is a recent case of the killing of school students by members of illegal gangs. To avoid such deaths in future, the government should implement the gun reforms present today. There are numerous ways in which gun reforms can be applied today. One of the gun reforms is where the gun control is the main duty of the government and the private safety companies such as in the United Kingdom. Hence the United States should also decentralize this security issues since the law enforcement is overwhelmed by the large number of crimes which they are required to deal with gun crimes. In United States, gun-based crimes are rampant, and they have claimed numerous innocent lives. In the modern world, there are numerous categories of criminal deeds ranging from national and international extremism to pick-pocketing. Most of these criminal activities are frequently accompanied by the use of violence which is very fatal and costly. For the last four decades crime rate has increased rapidly, and lack of serious actions it will go on increasing for a long period. On the other hand, this threatens the security of our country, since it causes deaths and destruction of properties and numerous inflated impacts. As a result of these people everywhere in the globe, even the famous and powerful leaders such as the United States President are also worried due to the rise of insecurity circumstances present in the world(Squires, 2017). Many incidences reported today show that the gun violence is the most frequent criminal activity. What even scares me is how these people get access to the firearms so easily including the youth and children. In fact, this easy accessibility of the firearms makes the fight against firearm crimes to be more complicated and very challenging (Alexander, 2003). The freedom of the youths to own guns has significantly caused an increase in the occurrences of violent activities, murder, and numerous social immoralities. In the US in some states such as Chicago, some illegal gangs use guns in protecting illegal drug trade and also enhance successful drug market supremacy. Violent actions may also arise due to the confrontation between various gang groups based on the racial aspects. These violent actions have to lead to the rapid growth of incidents hence a growth of debate on gun violence in most countries. These incidents are mainly reported to take place in the poor urban settings. Unfortunately, statistics show that young adults are the main participants in these criminal gun violence cases. Considering a historical background of the gun violence, events such as the assassination of American Presidents such as Abraham Lincoln in 1865, John Kennedy, William McKinley and James Garfield, prove that gun violence is not a new issue in the United States of America. Assassination and other violent activities have greatly burnt up the arguments on the gun reform. According to scholars, gun violence incidents can include activities such as suicides with guns, homicides by a weapon type, assassinations of a leader such as the U.S Presidents and robberies did use the firearms. From the research, suicide is the most significant gun violence in the United States. Various studies show that there is a great connection between having a gun at home and the cases reported due to gun suicides. According to Cook and Jens (2000) during the 20th century thats the 80s and the early 90s, there was a great increase in the incidents of teenage suicides which were by the use of a gun. Additionally, there was also a great increase of suicides among the elderly adults of the age of 75 years and above. Approximately over 50.7% of all suicides committed in the United States of America in 2006 was through the use of firearms. Most of the homicides which occurred in the 19th century were mainly due to mass disorders, while most homicides reported today are involve the use of firearms. An increase in homicide rates in the last three decades has mainly been observed among the black American males and the Hispanic males. The effects of gun violence include injuries and death. Drug trafficking and abuse mainly cocaine in the U.S. has also increased gun violence among the young adults. The main source of gun caused violence in the United States of America is the rapid economic growth of the U.S and political non-stability. According to Mcgrath, gun-caused homicides mostly occur in the informal groups or gangs of the young adults and teenagers during the commission of illegal activities or crimes. Statistics show that in 1976 approximately 70% of the gun caused arguments caused homicides. However, in 1993, almost all gang-associated homicides involved the use of firearms which accounts for 97%, while the firearm homicides connected to arguments was about 70%. Nevertheless, in 2004, the percentage of criminal gang homicides caused by guns in the United States decreased to 94%. However, the percentage of homicides caused by guns in committing crimes commitment increased from 60 % to 77%. According to a survey done in the year 2005, approximately eleven thousand three hundred and forty-five citizens were murdered using guns and over four hundred and seventy-seven thousand people were victims of gun crimes. A further survey taken in 2006 shows that 68% of the killings were committed using a gun, while 42% o f the robberies involved the use of guns and 22% were aggravated attacks. Approximately more than a quarter of all commercial robberies done in the United States are committed using guns. Larcenies done with firearms are likely to cause fatalities since thefts done using of other weapons. Some criminologists argue that if guns availability and use is controlled and restricted then criminals might commit a crime but with very less or minimal consequences(Spitzer, 2015). According to the General Social Survey statistics of 2004, 36.5 % of the population of America reported having a gun in their homes. The General Social Survey statistics also show that approximately forty-four million people in the United States are private gun owners, 25% of these are adults, and 40% are house owners. In United States, private firearm ownership is spread out geographically: 25% of all privately owned guns are found in the North and eastern states, while 60% are found in the East, South and Central States. The control of firearm is supposed to be a major issue in U.S. However, the Americans must reckon with gun politics carried out on their territory. From research guns or firearms simply increases the occurrence of criminal offenses and increase the probability of even more serious and lethal results. Firearm laws are the topic in most debates and arguments in the United States of America. This due to the extensional use of guns today such as in recreational activi ties such as hunting and for personal protection. Most celebrities all over the world use firearms in hunting and as security in protecting themselves. In U.S there are laws which limit gun dealers selling handguns to individuals under the age of twenty-one years and any fire to individuals under the age of 18 years. Additionally, there is also fixed limitations on vending guns to the foreign citizens. In America, the youthful firearm ownership is a severe issue. The gun reform policy is getting through big hurdles. According to Canada, only 60% to 70% of gun sales are established under licensed gun suppliers. Most of the gun trades done by the young adults and felons take place in a secondary market. A secondary market is a place or market where individuals deliver and purchase firearms without being licensed by the law. However, this trade is perilous in very many ways additionally most guns sold or traded in the secondary market are used in homicides before. According to Spivak (2004), The Bureau of Tobacco Alcohol Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) regulates the activities of all licensed gun dealers. The ATF demands all the gun manufacturing companies to mark all guns with a special serial number. Hence they can easily follow-up all the firearms used in criminal activities according to the Federal License. According to ATP, approximately five hundred thousand firearms are stolen every year, and they may get into the wrong hands(Ludwig, 2017 pg 12098). Conclusion There are numerous factors which can be considered as the main cause of increased rates of firearm crimes and violence. It is essential to note that firearm crimes can be controlled if there is full control of the gun supply and illegalization of its possession. Even though its a collective duty, governments have a significant obligation to take on. As policies to control gun violence go on to be formulated, the United States remains to be the leading nation with highest levels of gun violence in the world. Hence the American government should be extremely involved in the gun reform activities. Since our youth and children are the future of our country and its very crucial to help the young adults to be always healthy and wealthy; hence that is why its very important to make strict regulations. Introduction of gun reforms and bans and severe limitations will surely decrease the chance of criminals to obtain weapons most especially the highest risk individuals, such as young adults and convicted criminals. Another strategy can be by increasing the prices of all types of firearms which will greatly keep the youth and the common citizens from purchasing cold firearms. The third solution is a strict action of violence by the use of the law. This will be very efficient since it will probably scare criminals from committing more crimes and future criminals. To sum it all together, gun caused violence must be severely planned in joined means to give good results and save the country from suffe ring from any constant gun violence. Work cited DeConde, Alexander. Gun violence in America: the struggle for control. UPNE, 2003. Steve, P.. (2004). Gun Control and Crime. Retrieved September 09, 2009 from Patrick, F. F.(2009). The Real Root Causes of Violent Crime: The Breakdown of Marriage, Family, and Community.14 May, 2009. Squires, Peter. Guns, technology and crime.? The Routledge Handbook of Technology, Crime and Justice (2017): 263. Bloomberg, Michael R.? Reducing gun violence in America: informing policy with evidence and analysis. JHU Press, 2013. Spitzer, Robert J.? Politics of gun control. Routledge, 2015. Ludwig, Jens. Reducing gun violence in America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114.46 (2017): 12097-12099. Huerta, Josselyn P. Control of Violence, Control of Fear: The Progression of Gun Control in San Francisco, 1847-1923. (2015). Annotated bibliography DeConde, Alexander. Gun violence in America: the struggle for control. UPNE, 2003. The gun violence is a serious issue which the world has had to deal with from time to time. Security agencies have shifted their focus to the gun reforms issues to stabilize and reduce gun caused violence. DeConde Alexander explores the myths and politics concerning gun control, controversies regarding gun use and crime, since the early years of the republic to the modern day. The author talks about how the gun-control movement has gained momentum among the American citizens due to recent developments such as increasing urbanization and industrialization. Alexander also explains why the US, with all its resources, it has failed to control the rise of small firearms among its citizens and to confine gun caused violence. Steve, P.. (2004). Gun Control and Crime. Retrieved September 09, 2009 The author of this journal emphasizes the importance of comprehensive gun control reforms in the world today. The author goes ahead to explain how gun-based crime has turned into being a major source of death and suicides among the American citizens. Additionally, the author states that the introduction of gun reforms is the cornerstone for preventing of this social epidemic. This journal analyses the existing evidence that proves that introduction of gun control the risk of death and crimes related to firearms. Patrick, F. F.(2009). The Real Root Causes of Violent Crime: The Breakdown of Marriage, Family, and Community.14 May 2009. According to the thesis statement, gun control reforms programs reduce the crime rates and death caused by guns. The authors of this journal prove the thesis by the information he presents. Through their research the authors debate the main causes of violent crimes under different social groups such as family and the community. Additionally, the author states that with the introduction of gun reforms it will reduce these crimes. Squires, Peter. Guns, technology and crime. The Routledge Handbook of Technology, Crime and Justice (2017): 263. Squires argues that the development has lead to gun violence which is a serious issue that the world has had to deal with from time to time. The author also talks about how the security agencies have shifted their focus to the gun reforms issues to stabilize and reduce gun violence with the use of the modern technology. Squires, Peter explores the myths and politics concerning gun control, controversies regarding gun use and crime, since the early years of the republic to the modern day. Bloomberg, Michael R. Reducing gun violence in America: Informing policy with evidence and analysis. JHU Press, 2013. Bloomberg states in his book that gun violence is a serious issue which the world has had to deal with from time to time. Security agencies should shift their focus to the gun reforms issues to stabilize and reduce gun violence. The author uses the myths and politics concerning gun control, controversies regarding gun use and crime, since the early years of the republic to the modern day to get the best solution to solve this social problem. Spitzer, Robert J. Politics of gun control. Routledge, 2015. Robert Spitzer is a member of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence and National Rifle Association. Due to the author respect on the issue of gun control he has explored into the myths and politics concerning gun control, controversies regarding gun use and crime, since the early years of the republic to the modern day. Also, Robert has investigated some of the recent gun violence cases such as the 2011 shooting of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. Ludwig, Jens. Reducing gun violence in America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114.46 (2017): 12097-12099. In the United States, guns have been involved in thousands and thousands of injuries and deaths every year. Ludwig uses the magnitude of this issue stimulated the National Academy of Sciences report of 2004 to detail the limitations and strengths of the current research on the association between guns and violence. Huerta, Josselyn P. Control of Violence, Control of Fear: The Progression of Gun Control in San Francisco, 1847-1923. (2015). Huerta focuses on gun reforms in San Francisco from 1847 to 1923, from the control of the violent men of the gold rush to the controlling of the Chinese, and finally to the control and management of the sale and distribution of guns. The author aims to educate the public on the gun control reforms using newspapers precisely the Daily Alta California. This is because its impossible to change peoples attitudes towards guns completely. However, newspapers provide a platform for public opinion, hence providing numerous opinions on the gun control.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Corruption of the American Dream in Fitzgerald’s The...

Francis Scott Fitzgerald portrays the American Dream, originally a set of goals that included freedom, settlement, and an honest life with the possibility of upward social and economic mobility earned through hard work, as corrupted and debased by the egotistic materialism of the 1920s, an era which Fitzgerald characterizes chiefly by its greed and lavish hedonism, in his celebrated novel The Great Gatsby. Fitzgerald, in The Great Gatsby, seeks to discredit the supposed purity of the American Dream and belief that anyone can attain it through hard work. Instead, he argues that the dream is a mere delusion, altered so significantly from its original form that its pursuers aspire for and achieve nothing more than the hoarding of hollow†¦show more content†¦Myrtle’s depraved lover and East Egger who comes from a long-established line of money, Tom Buchanan, also serves as a portrayal of the decaying American Dream in the face of growing immorality. To start, Tom has been cheating on his wife Daisy since their honeymoon, representing again the loose morals of the time. Additionally, Tom, the wealthiest character in this novel, arguably acts the most amorally and strays away, more than the other characters, from the true ideals of the American Dream. Instead, Tom projects the idea that one does not need hard work and honesty to gain entrance to the upper class nor to make a name for oneself. For example, Tom, so rich that he does not even know where his vast wealth originates, does not need to work, content with spending his money on polo horses, maintaining a â€Å"lawn [that runs]†¦ a quarter of a mile,† and buying expensive white suits; the white indicates that he does no work that could possibly sully the suit (Fitzgerald 11). His house, described as an elegant estate with an â€Å"Italian garden, a half-acre of deep pungent roses, [and]†¦French windows†¦ajar and gleaming white against the fresh grass outside,† serves to further emphasize his extensive wealth (Fitzgerald 12). However, as the narrator Nick begins to converseShow MoreRelatedF. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

American Pragmatism final Free Essays

string(55) " Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert\." People screaming at the top of their lungs for the rock band that they idolize; an individual buying all the books and imitating the writing style of his favorite author; a young girl imitating the clothes of her fashion idol; the aforementioned instances are familiar examples of people who are practicing the idea of fandom wherein they are becoming huge fans of famous personalities or things. The idea of becoming a fan is perceived by people in different ways. There are individuals who look at the idea of being a fan as simply liking something or someone in a degree that is not common to other people. We will write a custom essay sample on American Pragmatism final or any similar topic only for you Order Now On the other hand, there are also those people who negatively look at fans, as individuals who are going crazy or psychotic for something or someone to the point that they are becoming obsessed. There are even allegations that fans eventually become stalkers, who do untoward decisions and actions. The opposing perspective of the term â€Å"fan† entails a more in-depth study about the topic. To be able to fully understand the meaning of being a fan, it is necessary that it is given due attention and importance. In doing so, I conducted an interview with three individuals, who have different backgrounds but is idolizing the same pop star. The pop star that I focus on is Miley Cyrus. My main motivation for looking for individuals who idolizes Miley Cyrus is due to the popularity and influence of this personality. In 2008, Miley Cyrus is included in Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world. Due to this, I want to find out the reasons why people idolize her and its corresponding effects to their life. Moreover, by conducting the interview with three individuals who idolize Miley Cyrus, I learn more about the idea of being a fan. Summary of Cavicchi’s Book and Argument Based on the book of Cavicchi (1998) the term â€Å"fan† is used as both descriptive and prescriptive when it comes to describing individuals that are regarded as fans. Cavicchi even states that, On the whole, it [the term â€Å"fan†] is used both descriptively and prescriptively to refer to diverse individuals and groups, including fanatics, spectators, groupies, enthusiasts, celebrity stalkers, collectors, consumers, members of subcultures, and entire audiences, and, depending on the context, to refer to complex relationships involving affinity, enthusiasm, identification, desire, obsession, possession, neurosis, hysteria, consumerism, political resistance, or a combination (39). The interest of Cavicchi with the concept of â€Å"fan† is rooted from the fact that Cavicchi himself is also a self-proclaimed fan. The book that he wrote entitled Tramps like us gives an in-depth research and analysis of being a fan, especially when it comes to its corresponding effects to the individual who is a fan of something or someone. Cavicchi uses Bruce Springsteen as an example for his central argument that fandom is actually a useful and meaningful behavior, which allows individuals to form their identities, establish communities, and make sense out of their lives and the society as a whole. Cavicchi (1998) points out that the contribution of Bruce Springsteen in the world exemplifies the advantageous effects of fandom. In the past, many critics have noted that the songs of Bruce Springsteen is unique from other singers in a sense that it actually exist in world of its own with its respective characters, settings, words, and images. The world that Springsteen creates is actually very relevant to other people wherein individuals who only have little knowledge or none at all about Springsteen can still relate with his music. Springsteen emphasizes the world of highways and factories, loners and underdogs, and many others. As such, the themes of the songs of Springsteen actually embody the ideals and struggles of most ordinary Americans. Being the case, Springsteen was able to substantially influence the American pop culture and also different societal debates. Springsteen has the ability to not only speak for his fans but actually to them with directness and sincerity, which actually touches the lives of his followers. Cavicchi uses three years of ethnographic research and his own experiences and impressions as a fan in writing his book. He provides an interdisciplinary study of the ways by which ordinary individuals who have special and sustained attachments to their idols actually were able to change and affect their lives because of fandom. Furthermore, it challenges the negative perception about the term â€Å"fan†, specifically the stereotypes of fans as being obsessive, delusional, and to the point of having mental problems. Cavicchi strongly emphasizes that fandom is a normal socio-cultural activity that aids in shaping the identity of individuals. Object of Fandom Destiny Hope Cyrus also popularly known as Miley Cyrus is an American pop singer, songwriter, and actress. Her rose to fame started when she stars in the Disney Channel as Hannah Montana. After the success of her television series, she released a soundtrack CD of the songs that she sang in the Hannah Montana Show. The popularity of the soundtrack CD in the American market, especially for teenagers enables her to create a solo music career with her debut album, Meet Miley Cyrus. In her first album, Miley Cyrus was able to create her first top single entitled â€Å"See You Again†. The increasing popularity of Miley Cyrus paved the way for her to launch her second album called Breakout. Both the albums of Miley Cyrus top number 1 on the Billboard 200. In addition, the single of Miley Cyrus entitled â€Å"Party in the U. S. A. † was recognized as the highest charting and fastest selling single that reach number 2 in the Billboard Hot 100. The influence of Miley Cyrus reaches different nations, which is proven by the record-breaking sales of her albums that reach more than 15 million records. Miley Cyrus also shines in the field of acting. Miley Cyrus first extended play was The Time of Our Lives. Miley Cyrus also performed in the concert/film Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert. You read "American Pragmatism final" in category "Papers" In relation to this, Miley Cyrus also starred in Bolt wherein she recorded the soundtrack for the movie, which enables her to be nominated in the Golden Globe Awards. The hit show Hannah Montana was later produced in the film with Miley Cyrus as the lead star of the movie. Moreover, the prominence of Miley Cyrus in the society is recognized by Time magazine when she is included in the â€Å"100 Most Influential People in the World and she also ranked 35 on the â€Å"Celebrity 100† list of Forbes magazine for earning $25 million in 2008. Interviewee # 1 The first interviewee is Zoe, a 16 years old girl that describes herself as an avid fan of Miley Cyrus. Zoe is a Caucasian American, who is currently studying in a public school. The interview was conducted through phone wherein the queries in the questionnaires were asked and were substantially answered by the respondent. The main interest of Zoe mostly deals with normal young adult hobbies like shopping and hanging out friends. In addition, Zoe also stated that she is very much interested in music, especially from modern pop artist. As previously mentioned, Zoe is a self-proclaimed Miley Cyrus fan. She said that she first get acquainted with the pop star through her series in the Disney Channel, Hannah Montana. Zoe immediately likes the character of Miley in the series and she also took notice of her exceptional singing abilities. Zoe said â€Å"Miley has an exceptional and unique singing voice that can really attract its listeners, once I heard her voice she already mesmerized me. † Zoe opted to have the complete albums of Miley Cyrus instead of just downloading it from the Internet, which she said is a way for her to actually give worth to the singing ability of her idol buy adding to her CD sales. In addition to this, Zoe is also a fan of Miley Cyrus in Facebook and she also follows her in Tweeter. The influence of Miley Cyrus on Zoe affects her fashion sense because Zoe admitted she is actually imitating the fashion sense of Miley. â€Å"I always look carefully at the outfits that she wear, as I really admire her unique fashion sense†, stated Zoe. Zoe explains in the interview that she has not really done anything outrageous as a fan of Miley, the only thing that she did is make a scrapbook of her idol, which other people finds weird. Moreover, Zoe strongly believes that Miley Cyrus exemplifies the normal life of a teenager that has to go through the awkward stage of adolescence, which Zoe can relate to. Zoe expressed in the interview that Miley Cyrus affected her life by making her believe in her dreams and do more things in her life, as Zoe said, â€Å"I can have the best of both worlds just like Miley†. Interviewee # 2 The second interviewee is Samantha, a 13-years old teenage girl who is a die-hard fan of Miley Cyrus. She is an African-American that is studying in a public school. Samantha’s interests usually involve watching television, playing computer games, and the occasional going out with her friends. Samantha exclaimed â€Å"I love Miley Cyrus so much! † when asked in the interview on who is her idol. She explains in the interview that she was introduced to the pop star sensation while watching Hannah Montana because her parents only allow her to watch limited channels and this include the Disney Channel. At first, she likes the comic banter between Miley Cyrus and her dad because Samantha can actually relate to it because she said that she has the same relationship with her father. Later on, Samantha is really entertained by the singing capabilities of Miley Cyrus. In relation to this, Samantha can actually relate to the lyrics of Miley Cyrus’ songs that talks about related issues about being a teenager. Samantha keeps a collection of different Miley Cyrus memorabilia like bags, school supplies, and others. She even said that â€Å"almost all my things are Miley Cyrus inspired†. In addition, Samantha also applauds the acting capability of Miley Cyrus, especially when it comes to comedy that is why she even created her own fan page for Miley. Samantha informed me in the interview that she has not done any outrageous thing as a fan of Miley Cyrus because she believes that becoming a fan does not necessarily mean doing something â€Å"stupid†. Moreover, Samantha points out that Miley Cyrus is an inspiration to her and also to her friends because she represents teenager everywhere who are following their dreams despite the set-backs of the teenage life. Interviewee # 3 The last interviewee is an 18 years old Asia who is actually on her way of going to college. She requested that I do not state her name in the paper, as she is afraid that someone might know that she is a fan of Miley Cyrus. The hesitation of this girl in admitting that she is a fan of Miley Cyrus comes from the fact that most of her peers perceived Miley Cyrus as a loser. As a result, this girl does not have any Miley Cyrus memorabilia and she does not join any networking site about Miley Cyrus. The main reason of this girl for idolizing Miley Cyrus is because she can relate with the life of the pop star. She states that â€Å"Miley Cyrus is just a typical teenager who commits mistakes like her photo scandal and other boyfriend troubles . . . she is being real to herself and to her public. † The girl idolizes Miley Cyrus because of her courage to be true to herself and to others even if she is already popular. In relation to this, she also thinks that Miley Cyrus is a strong individual that can properly handle all the criticisms that come her way. Being the case, Miley Cyrus influences this girl to also be true to herself and never give up. Analysis Based on the answers of the three interviewees it is quite observable that most of Miley Cyrus fans are teenage girls who are undergoing the difficult and confusing stage of adolescence. Their main reasons for idolizing Miley Cyrus are due to her singing and acting talents as well as the way she handles herself. The interviewed fans of Miley Cyrus have not done any outrageous or stupid things for their idol because of the reason that they have other outlets in order to express their enthusiasm and support for Miley Cyrus such as buying her albums, patronizing her products, and joining/creating networking sites. However, in the situation of one girl, she cannot freely express that Miley Cyrus is her idol because of the negative perception of her friends when it comes to the pop star. From the answers of the interviewee it is clearly proven that Miley Cyrus becomes an influential and powerful personality in the society because she represents the life of most teenagers. Miley Cyrus’ songs, television series, and even her life exemplify the issues and problems of an average American teenager. Miley Cyrus has substantially contributed to the American pop culture because most of her fans can actually relate with her life. Moreover, Miley Cyrus has her way of actually inspiring the lives of teenagers through her songs and the characters that she portrays, which embody a strong woman that will not give up amidst the challenges of life. How to cite American Pragmatism final, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Christmas in Australia free essay sample

Christmas In Australia What do you think of when you think about Christmas? Snow, cold weather, ice, cool breezes? Not in Australia! During the month of December, its summer. Due to Australia being on the southern hemisphere, in December, the earth tilts to the side of which it faces the sun. That means that for Australians, Christmas is hot, sunny, and filled with amazing summer breezes. Jackets wont be needed anymore, in that hot climate, majority of the people are wearing light clothing, including shorts, t-shirts, and sandals. Australia is its own continent, even though it is filled with other ethnicities around the world, English is the official language. The capital of Australia is Canberra, which is located somewhat near the coast. In Australia, about seventy percent of the population are Christians. Summer is from December through February, unlike the United States. When it comes to Christmas, Australians know how to celebrate. We will write a custom essay sample on Christmas in Australia or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are many forms of entertainment during this time of year. Popular activities and celebrations include picnics, going to parades, playing cricket, going for a swim, or attending Carols by Candlelight. Melbourne is a city in Australia, located in the south-eastern part of the mainland , within the state of Victoria. Melbourne is also the city in which Carols by Candlelight takes place. This event takes place on Christmas Eve night, where thousands of people spread blankets on the ground, and sing Christmas carols together. Christmas in Australia has many similarities to the United States. Santa Claus is known as Santa, or Father Christmas. Christams takes place on the twenty-fifth of December, and lasts for only one day. Both countries put up decorations, such as Christmas Trees, figurines for outdoors, candles, etc. Gifts are exchanged, Santa arrives, and the birth of Jesus is celebrated. Some differences would be on how Santa is pictured. Most children picture Santa Claus in heavy clothing and big boots riding inside of a sleigh. In Australia, hes pictured in a swimsuit on a surfboard, surfing the waves under the hot summer sun. On Christmas Eve, the children put pillowcases on their bed, waiting for Santa to leave small gifts inside of them, and big gifts under the tree. Unlike the United states, where instead of pillowcases, stockings are used by the fireplace. Instead of leaving milk and cookies, Australians leave Santa sherry and mince pies for him when he arrives. The next morning, the presents are unwrapped, and Christmas Day begins. In Australia, the daily diet consists of meat, but there is a substantial number of vegans and vegetarians, so vegetables are also included. On Christmas, the foods eaten would most likely be seafood, cold ham, turkey, and salad. Popular drinks consumed include coffee, champagne (instead of eggnog), and other alcoholic beverages such as wine. On Christmas Day, after unwrapping the gifts, families usually head for the beach. Picnics are usually held, especially barbeques. After the day is done, people wake up bright and early to hit the stores on Boxing Day, the twenty-sixth of December, when most stores have sales on items for customers to purchase after the Christmas holiday. Although Australians participate in all these fun activities, they still know the true reason for the holiday. They conisder it a time for remembering Jesus Christ. Together, families celebrate the importance of the birth of Jesus, and the spiritual meaning of Christmas by joyfully opening their hearts to God along with opening gifts given and recieved.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Beatlemania In The 1960s Essays - Counterculture Of The 1960s

Beatlemania in the 1960s The Beatles were a mystical happening that many people still don't underezd. Phenomenoligists had a ball in 1964 with Beatlemania, a generally harmless form of madness which came from Britain in 1963. The sole cause of Beatlemania is a quartet of young Englishmen known as the Beatles. In the less than one year that they achieved popularity in England to the time they came to America, The Beatles achieved a popularity and following that is unprecedented in the history of show business in England. They became the first recording artists anywhere in the world to have a record become a million-seller before it's release. They became the target of such adoration by their fans that they had to cancel all one-night bookings because of riots in early 1964. Beatlemania had reached unbelievable proportions in England, it became a form of reverse lend-lease and spread to the United States. Capitol records followed the Beatles' single record with the release of an album, "Meet the Beatles," in late January of 1964. That event was followed by the Beatles themselves, who arrived in New York February 8, 1964 for three appearances with Ed Sullivan. The first show was scheduled for Sunday, February 9, the second was telecast from Miami a week later, and the third pre-taped for an airing in March. These concerts were the most watched television programs ever (70 million viewers) until recently. The Beatles' arrival in the United States was presaged by a deluge of advance publicity. Newsweek, Time, and Life have chronicled Beatlemania, UPI, and the AP(Associated Press) had done their part for the cause (including an AP wirephoto of J. Paul Getty sporting a Beatle wig), and even Vogue shoved high fashion aside momentarily in it's January, 1964 issue and carried a full-page photo of the group. Baltimore's respected Evening Sun took notice of the coming of the Beatles on it's editorial page at that time. Said the Sun: "The Beatles are coming. Those four words are said to be enough to jelly the spine of the most courageous police captain in Britain... Since, in this case, the Beatles are coming to America, America had better take thought as to how it will deal with the invasion... Indeed, a restrained 'Beatles, go home,' might be just the thing." Precisely how, when, and where Beatlemania got started nobody- not even their late manager Brian Epstein(who died of a drug overdose in 1967) can say for sure. The Beatles are a product of Liverpool, which had a population of some 300 rock and roll bands( or "beat groups," as Liverpudlians are wont to call them). The beat groups hawked their musical wares in countless small cellar clubs, old stores and movie houses, even in a converted church, nearly all of which are in proximity to the Mersey River. Out of all these groups came, somehow, the Beatles. And they had to go to Germany to do it. In order to better their Liverpool take-home pay of around $15. per week apiece, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo (so called because of his penchant for wearing at least four rings) Starr took a tramp steamer to Hamburg and a job which moved them up a bit financially, if not in class. There, in a raucous and rowdy strip joint, the Indra Club, the Beatles became the first entertainers to play louder than the audience. There, too, they were "discovered" by English promoter and talent agent, Brian Epstein, who has since become deservedly known as "the fifth Beatle." Under Epstein's shrewd guidance, the Beatles soon found themselves signing a contract with Britain's giant Electric Musical Industries, Ltd., the largest recording organization in the world and major stockholder in Capitol Records, Inc.; headlining concerts throughout Britain; and appearing on television. Their first recording, "Love Me Do," was issued by EMI's Parlophone label in October, 1962. It sold a respectable 100,000 copies, and it was the last time a Beatle single sold less than half million copies. The first million-seller, "She Loves You," came out in the spring of 1963. It was followed by two albums, "Please, Please Me" and "With the Beatles." Both LP's sold over 300,000

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Looking At The Different Types Of Work Placements Social Work Essay Essay Example

Looking At The Different Types Of Work Placements Social Work Essay Essay Example Looking At The Different Types Of Work Placements Social Work Essay Essay Looking At The Different Types Of Work Placements Social Work Essay Essay Following from this the company developed a residential attention place in the North East of England, a separate company was so established in 2000, its purpose being to supply a scope of surrogate arrangements in the North of England for kids and immature people. This is the portion of the company in which I am placed, it has two offices ; one in the North East of England and one in Manchester. Together the offices have provided arrangements for 21 Social Services Departments in the North of England with the bulk in this country being from Middlesbrough, Darlington and Stockton on Tees Social Services. The bureau is registered with the British Association for Adoption and Fostering ( BAAF ) . The office in which I am placed is in consists of a Registered Manager, a portion clip Social Work squad leader, three full clip Social Workers and an Administrative Assistant. It has 17 sets of Approved Foster Carers which provide arrangements for 19 kids. The Fostering squad is made up of four societal workers each with a lower limit of six old ages professional experience. The values which underpin the bureau s attack to furthering are that kids are entitled to a safe life environment where they feel unafraid and their rights and sentiments are respected ( Student Handbook 2009, p9 ) . This is in line with the United Kingdom Every Child Matters Policy. To follow this through the bureau works in partnership with the kid, their household and their societal worker. The bureau strives to put kids within their ain cultural and cultural background every bit far as possible. The Foster Carers and staff who use this office are of White British ethnicity, there are some kids of different ethnicity to that and this is acknowledged before fiting. The ethnicity in the office is a contemplation of the general population in the local country which is predominately White British. Conversely the office in Manchester has foster carers and staff of diverse ethnicity in maintaining with the catchment country which is culturally more varied. The bureau acknowledges cultural diverseness by practising anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive policies and by preparation classs The bureau works within ; The Department of Health Looking After Children , Good Parenting, Good Outcomes guidelines , Quality Protects public presentation indexs, The Children Act 1989, The Foster Placement ( Children ) Regulations 1991, Working Together to Safeguard Children 1999 A ; 2006, The Human Rights Act 1999, The Protection of Children Act 1999, The Children ( Leaving Care ) Act 2000, The Care Standards Act 2000 and related Regulations Standards, The Children Act 2004 and the Every Child Matters Agenda 5 Outcomes 2003 and the Fostering Regulations and the Fostering Standards 2002. The bureau marks specific results for the kids and immature people they look after, this is underpinned by policies such as the 2003 Green Paper Every Child Matters and the 1989 Five Outcomes of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which are ; Bing healthy Staying safe Enjoying and accomplishing Making a positive part 5. Economic wellbeing. Therefore, the bureau s purposes for the kids they look after are that they enjoy the best possible physical and mental wellness, they fulfil their educational potency, experience security in their fond regards and do satisfying and appropriate societal, household and peer relationships, ( pupil enchiridion, 2008, p10 ) . Work Undertaken by Agency The work undertaken by the Fostering Team is varied although the aim is to supply high quality foster attention arrangements for kids who are being looked after by the Local Authority. This work includes the seeking of possible Foster carers, questioning and measuring them, utilizing British Association for Adoption and Fostering ( BAAF ) Form F1, the national appraisal model for possible Foster carers and adoptive parents. This is assessment procedure is conducted inline with the: Fostering Servicess Regulations 2002 Regulations ; 11 ) , Duty to Secure Welfare, 19 ) , Staffing of Fostering Services, 20 ) , Fitness of Workers, 21 ) , Employment of Staff. And with the ; National Minimum Standards, Fostering Services Regulations 2002 6 ) Supplying suited surrogate carers. 7 ) Valuing Diversity. 8 ) Matching. 9 ) Protecting from maltreatment and disregard. 12 ) Promoting development and wellness. 13 ) Promoting educational accomplishment. 14 ) Fixing for maturity. 15 ) Suitability to work with kids. The procedure takes about six months and during which the measuring societal workers seek information from the appliers about their grounds for fosterage, accomplishments and experience, yesteryear and current relationships, ( BAAF Form F1, ) . This grounds garnering procedure includes seeking personal and professional mentions to confirm information from the applier and to derive a Fuller position on rearing capacity and attachment manner. Health mentions involve a medical and any old strong beliefs must be disclosed by Criminal Records Bureau ( CRB ) for the applier and any important others. To fix the applier for the function of surrogate lovingness and to develop accomplishments before panel meet the bureau provides preparation and support, the applications are so presented to the Independent Fostering Panel for blessing. This procedure meets the Fostering Regulations Standards 2002, Regulations ; 26 ) , Functions of Fostering Panel. 28 ) , Approval of Foster Parents. 29 ) , Reviews and Terminations of Approval. And the National Minimum Standards, Fostering 2002, Standard 30, Fostering Panels. On blessing the panel will make up ones mind footings and conditions of the determination which will include figure of kids, ages and type of arrangement, the applier is so given written notice of the footings and specifications of blessing, ( Fostering Regulations 2002, reg,28 ) . The nexus societal workers assigned to the appliers provide ongoing support before and after blessing, this bureau provides ongoing preparation to enable surrogate carers provide safe attention inline with the Fostering Regulations 2002. Once approved the bureau can so accept Foster carers and fit the carers to the referrals the bureau receives from the local authorization. Beforehand the fosterage link societal workers guarantee that surrogate carers and their families are in conformity with the Foster attention ordinances. This is maintained by regular supervising, record maintaining and one-year unheralded visits to the surrogate carer s place by the nexus worker. Both the Foster carers and the nexus workers have to work in partnership with others involved with the kid or immature individual s attention program. The nexus societal workers have to fit kids to further carers meticulously, this includes run intoing the conditions laid down by panel and the experience of the carers. As portion of this procedure the nexus societal worker checkerss a Safer Caring Agreement for the kid s arrangement which is read and signed by the carer. A transcript of this papers is kept with the carer s file at the bureau. Within 7 yearss a Placement Review Meeting takes topographic point with the kid, surrogate carers, the kid s societal worker and the bureau nexus worker. This meeting defines the kid s wants and needs during arrangement, detailing the modus operandis for arrangement, wellness and educational demands. The bureau is further involved with the kid through contact with the Foster carer and engagement in the Looked After Review which takes topographic point 28 yearss, 3 monthly and 6 monthly after arrangement. These reappraisals are multi disciplinary with attending by everyone involved in the kid s attention program. The bureau nexus workers work specifically with the Foster carers to supply ongoing support. The kids have their ain Local Authority societal workers but the nexus workers besides seek the positions of the kids, usually by the one-year unheralded visit from the bureau nexus worker and when the Foster carer has supervising. The kids s positions are ever taken in private so they can talk freely without the Foster carer being present, this is to afford the kid infinite to raise concerns in maintaining with his or her rights ( Human Rights Act 1999 ) . can this be saved? Fostering referrals come into the bureau from the local authorization kid arrangement squads, they can be either arranged or exigency referrals. It is the duty of the bureau to measure each referral and to do appropriate lucifers with surrogate carers. Foster carers are consulted before the lucifer is made, the nexus societal worker besides meets the kid to reassure and seek the kid s positions. The Foster Carers are self employed for intents of income revenue enhancement but the bureau has taken rank for Foster Talk an administration which provides legal and insurance screen for surrogate carers. The bureau have duties to back up the Foster carers to guarantee they are supplying a secure, safe arrangement, to follow with Health and Safety ordinances and to guarantee the surrogate carer s professional development. Further to National and European demands the bureau has developed it s ain company policies which include the company s duties as an employer and supplier of attention. These include ; The Foster Carer Task A ; Every Child Matters, Young People Missing from Home, Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, Health and Safety at Work, Complaints and Whistle Blowing. These company policies are updated yearly. To accomplish the Five Outcomes the bureau works to the UK Government Secretary for State published National Minimum Standards for Foster Care in ( 1999? ) 2000 under subdivision 23 ( 1 ) of the Care Standards Act ( 2000 ) .These are national criterions which are the demand for best pattern. The bureau has its ain policies but besides is in concurrence with the British Association of Adoption and Fostering. Foster Carers are given an initial preparation called Skills to Foster which is by the Fostering Network and provides the carers with the theoretical cognition to use to their pattern. This is supported by ongoing preparation provided by the bureau and outside administrations. Foster Carers besides have to finish the Children s Workforce, Development Council ( CWDC ) Training, Support and Development Standards for Foster Care. These prescribed criterions have to be attained by 2011 by all current Foster attention practicians, and for new carers they have to be completed within the first twelvemonth.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

TermPaper2types of promotional strategies Term Paper

TermPaper2types of promotional strategies - Term Paper Example There are four types of promotional strategies, which are: online promotion, traditional media, push marketing and pull marketing. Online Promotion is also called online marketing or Emarketing. It represents advertising the products through the internet. Online promotion gained great popularity as almost every company tries to create its own website to attract customers online. Now almost all the people use internet to buy different products as online they can have more opportunities. The main disadvantage of online promotion is changes which happen rapidly. In order to have successful online promotion, every company needs to have efficient online promotion strategy. The most important characteristic feature for modern managers is insight. It is essential to have good education and be aware of the situation (Kotler). Online promotion is the field that changes rapidly, thus it is very important to be always on time with the advertising and have the appropriate approach. (Orton, 2009). The most popular and beneficial form of online promotion is pay-per-click advertising, when the advertiser pays for the promotion only after the ad is clicked. This kind of advertising is very demanding as it does not accept all the businesses. Some companies can’t advertise their products with the most popular advertising engines as they have many restrictions and special rules for companies. Those companies, which use pay-per-click approach, have many benefits. They have a perfect opportunity to attract customers without paying much for the advertising. Thus, online promotion represents the cheapest way to advertise products and services Any advertising campaign uses many traditional media channels such as television, radio, newspapers, etc. An advertising campaign can be defined as a number of different kinds of advertising, which have the common purpose and content. Ad campaign is the essential part of management strategy. Management strategy implies

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Central bank independence and economic performance Assignment

Central bank independence and economic performance - Assignment Example For instance under the floating exchange rate regime, protecting the value of the domestic currency against US Dollar and other international currencies calls for vigilance and continuous monitoring of the world economy through various economic indices. Regulating money supply and interest rates are governed by several domestic and international factors as well. Therefore, independence of the central bank is necessary to deal with these problems effectively without any interference in the regulatory process. However, the level of independence varies from country to country based on the political and economic system prevailing in the countries. Long ago in 1929 Montagu Norman, Governor of the Bank of England wrote: â€Å"I look upon the Bank as having the unique right to offer advice and to press such advice even to the point of nagging: but always, of course, subject to the supreme authority of the government† (Toniolo, G. 1988 p. 47). This statement underlines the need for in dependence as well as its limitation. The role of central bank Central bank’s monetary policies have different impact on different economic variables of the economy. Increase in money supply with or without decrease in interest rates could trigger inflation in the economy. Therefore, careful analysis of the economic indicators is important in taking appropriate action by the central bank. For instance, inflation in this case could affect consumption thereby demand for the products. At the same time, this could increase capital investment and results in employment generation. Stability in exchange rate is another important factor which could affect inflation in the country and foreign direct investments in the country which will have...This paper offers a comprehensive analysis of the role of central bank in terms of economic performance of the nation. Influence of the political independence of central bank operations in context of achieving its objectives is under review. In order to achieve economic growth in a country, formation of capital is essential for fresh investments in the economy. Increase in aggregate demand in the country is an important factor in this regard for attracting investment of capital in new projects. Liquidity in the system as well as interest rates should be monitored and regulated on a continuous basis by the central bank to provide good environment for capital investment and consumption which in turn will generate demand for the products. However, the central bank should also ensure that it does not result in overheating of the economy. Regulating interests and money supply in the economic system is very complicated in the backdrop of technological developments taking place in the world and globalisation of economies. The independence of the central bank of the county is very important for exercising control over the commercial banks in the country through its monetary policies. The monetary policies need to be complementary to the fiscal policies of the government to achieve its economic objectives. A country with high central bank interference need to introduce reforms to make the institution more independent within the timeframe set for this purpose to improve stability in liquidity and prices.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Honorifics Similarities of the Guugu Yimidhirr and Japanese Languages Essay

Honorifics Similarities of the Guugu Yimidhirr and Japanese Languages - Essay Example One of the most intriguing qualities of the Guugu Yimidhirr language is its honorific system; in other words, the way in which deference is paid to certain members of the family or the society with the use of a specific word over another. In particular, the honorific system requires the use of deference words and tone to a brother-in-law or father-in-law. The Japanese and Guugu Yimidhir languages were born for essentially the same purpose: to solidify a social structure that organically evolved to support a burgeoning community and, eventually, a larger nation. Where the Guugu Yimidhirr language has maintained its more traditional deference language primarily for use in speaking to brothers- and fathers- in law who in turn provide essential services for the community, Japanese culture has evolved and with it the use of deferential language for business purposes. Whorfian theory can be used in terms of the Aboriginal group, however Japanese language has not been a mirror unto itself a nd has changed to accommodate the needs of its society. The function of the honorifics within the Guugu Yimidhirr language is to essentially uphold an established social structure. The culture of these people is such that a certain stratification is basic to the continuation of the societal framework: deference must be paid to those members of society who are, in terms of the culture, of higher importance and reverence within the community and the society on the whole. Brothers-in-law and fathers-in-law are considered honorable members of the community in that they are wise and instrumental to the running of day-to-day life. This is a generally accepted view of Guugu Yimidhirr, with many subscribers to the idea that the language is what the society was initially, and now is, fixed upon. In contrast to this theory, however, Foley suggests that the key to understanding the use of honorifics within this particular language is to bring the Whorfian theories into play; in short, to examine the idea that the words used in context are not merely a product of initial societal roles but that they are currently responsible for shaping the worldview of the Guugu Yimidhirr themselves (Foley 1997). Being raised in an environment where it is socially unacceptable to say Balin-ga (porcupine) to your father- or brother-in-law instead of the deferential nhalngarr (Shopen 1979) means that children are acculturated to believe in the existing social structures and to use them with little resistance. Shopen points out that the deferential vocabulary within Guugu Yimidhirr is not a substantial sub-language, but instead a special set of words and phrases that are interchangeable with parts of the regular language. This is notable because it shows that the social structure is not completely, strictly stratified, but that it merely demands a level of respect for those on whom the community depends. Modern Japanese Honorifics The Japanese language today is another, like Guugu Yimidhirr, that has evolved over centuries and in doing so has developed and maintained honorifics. The three specific levels of Japanese honorifics, delineated by linguists, are Polite, Respectful and Humble Language. Teineigo, or Polite Language, is marked by the use of special sentence and verb endings: desu and masu, respectively (Maynard 1997). This is the language version taught to non-native speakers of Japanese. Sonkeigo, or Respectful Language, is used in reference to superiors and is characterized by the use of alternate words. For example, instead of using the verb suwaru as would be done when referring to oneself sitting down, the phrase o kake ni natte kudasai is used to ask someone in a superior position (this includes customers)

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Cold War Between The USSR And US

The Cold War Between The USSR And US The time in the Cold War era between 1945-1991 was a turbulent direction for both the newly amassed superpowers of the United States and Soviet Union. The cold war is referenced as a continuous time of military and political tension between powers of the United States with NATO and other allies and the Soviet Union with the Warsaw Pact and other allies. The Arms race in the Cold War, had profoundly negative effects on the opposing superpowers. These effects created a deteriorating relationship between the USA and the USSR, the Cuban Missile Crisis and contributed to the financial downfall of the Soviet Union in its final days. The United States and Russia have a much more acceptable relationship in the current day, but in the Cold War era, the hostilities rose to a near breaking point level. Hypothetically, if hostilities were not prevented in time, the world could have been permanently silenced through a potential Nuclear holocaust. The United States and the Soviet Union relationship during the Arms Race period in the Cold War era was one of unpredictable possibility; brimming with hostility and tension. The two nations promoted opposing political and economic ideology and the two nations competed for international control. This aroused a geopolitical, ideological, and economic struggle, lasting from 1947 to the period leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union on December 26, 1991. With Capitalism versus Communism as a constant factor; ever present between the two factions, relationships between governments and citizens of two began to disassemble. Stocking of Weapons of Mass Destruction, also kept the intimidation factor present along with unrivaled competition between both countries. With these factors present, the Mutual Assured Destruction doctrine of military strategy and national security policy was put into effect. M.A.D consisted of full-scale use of weapons of mass destruction by two rivaling sides. W hich, would effectively result in destruction of both the attacker and the defender, becoming a war that has no victory but only total destruction. With this as an ever present danger, both sides remained hostile but did not commit to weapon fire. Obviously knowing the dire consequences that would result. The compilation of Nuclear Armament was only one tool used between the two nations in this Silent War. Propaganda by both countries and assimilation of other nations by the U.S and Soviets was a factor as well. Propaganda posters consisted of anti-communist art on the US side while anti-capitalism was present on the Soviets side. With propaganda influencing citizens of both countries, any Necessary actions needed to be taken by either country, would have most likely been uncontested by civilians. Due to the rising hostilities and danger. Present danger not only due to Nuclear armaments, but from shadow wars as well. An example would be the communist occupation of Vietnam. War histo rians often say that the viet cong who fought aggressively against the United states, were only the tools of communist Russia to indirectly fight the united states. With immense numbers of casualties present for both vietnam and united states, relations between them soured. This war helped fuel the Russian machine to create more weapons and fuel communist encroachment upon other countries. This war was not only of contested territory, but a source of wealth for russia. With Viet-cong needing weapon and russia supplying them, wealth was made. The united states had discovered this and it became essentially a war against communism. The United States and Russia often had times of dà ©tente; which gave the race brief periods of break for negotiations and other settlements. The presence of periods eventually allowed the competing superpowers to come to a settlement and end superpower cold war/arms race, allowing the world to finally relax from pure tension. The Cuban missile crisis was the most severe Cold War confrontation between the United States and the USSR and that took place in October, 1962. The U.S. discovered that the Soviets were in the process of positioning nuclear missiles in Communist Cuba. The United States then tried to interrupt and stop the process by placing naval blockade to stop Soviet ships carrying missiles to Cuba. On October 22, U.S. military alert was set at Defcon 3 and Fidel Castro began to mobilizes all of his military forces. On October 24, Soviet ships entered the quarantine line placed by the US and received orders from Moscow to hold their positions while being backed up by Soviet reinforcements. President John F Kennedy concluded that if he attempted to invade within ten days, the missile bases in Cuba would likely fire a portion of the missiles at US targets. With the missiles armed with nuclear warheads, the result would have disastrous. On October 25, American military units were forced to enter Def con 2- the highest of all time in U.S. history. On October 26, Khrushchev received a cable message from Fidel Castro demanding a nuclear strike against the US in the event Cuba was actually invaded. The intensified moment of the Cuban Missile Crisis was during the evening of Saturday, 27 October 1962, when the negotiations of the crisis, had disappeared . Soviet ships didnt try to break the U.S naval blockade of Cuba, but, Soviet missile bases stayed on the island and were becoming operational and ready to fire. President Kennedy was pressured to order an air strike or invasion was increasing rapidly, especially after the American U-2 reconnaissance plane was taken down over in cuba that same Saturday afternoon and its pilot was unfortunately killed. Any hope of a resolution to the crisis that could be achieved between Washington and Moscow had begun to disappear. A letter from Soviet leader Khrushchev arrived on that Saturday morning demanding that the United States needed to agree to remove its Jupiter ballistic missiles from Turkey in for the Soviets removal of missiles from Cuba. Khrushchev`s letter was felt to U.S. officials as an ominous event of the Soviet decision from the older letter from Khrushchev, didnt mention the U.S missiles in Turkey but instead implied that Washingtons agreement not to invade Cuba at the time would have been sufficient to end the need for Soviet`s nuclear protection of Castros government. On October 28, the crisis finally ends with the U.S agreement to remove their Jupiter missiles from Turkey. During a speech aired on Moscow Radio, Khrushchev announced the process of dismantling the Soviet missiles in Cuba and insisted on his demands concerning the elimination of U.S. missiles from Turkey. During the Cuban missile crisis, both superpowers discovered that risking war in pursuit of political ideals and gain was intelligibly too dangerous. It was the final event during the Cold War that both sides would escalate hostilities to create a hazard of this level. Even after the Crisis, the USSR and U.S still imposed their competition in conflicts in other locations of the planet . Africas independent nations such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo, received military interruption from the United States and the USSR. In this era, Cuba played a significant role alongside the USSR. The Chinese, who were now cautious of the USSR, participated against them on the side of the United States. The early 1980s was the concluding area of disputes between the United States and the USSR, resulting directly from the 1979 Soviets invasion of Afghanistan to establish and create a Communist regime. In 1983, president Ronald Reagan announced the creation of Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). SDI is was brought forward as a satellite defense system, which would destroy incoming missiles in space. During August of 1985, the Soviet Union announced a nuclear testing pausing. In December of 1987, Mikhail Gorbachev and President Reagan signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces; the first arms accord signed by both Washington and Moscow that calls for the elimination the intermediate-range ballistic missiles. During July of 1991, the U.S. and the USSR signed the Strategic Arms Reduction Act finally ceasing anything related to a Cold War or an Arms race. The world was finally at peace from a possible Nuclear fallout. The downfall of Soviet Union can be connected to the Arms race between the two superpowers of the U.S and the USSR. The results from the arms race left too much unused waste material, such as the stockpile of nuclear warheads and costed both superpowers a hefty sum. The Soviets continued to invest too much currency into their government to keep up with the U.S. The Soviets had to increase effort to reach where they were before the escalation and the results to this upsurge were not pleasant. The Soviet economy was becoming stagnant, while their military spending passed the threshold of acceptable. President Reagans Defense Initiative was a threat that needed to be countered, and the Soviets threw increased amounts of money at the military . The US had spent about 18% of its Gross Domestic Product at their military, while the Soviets were spending up to 35%. This resulted in Russia bankrupting itself. There was far too much nepotism of government elites, and tampering with the account s and ledgers to fulfil the plans. The Soviet economy was becoming stagnant, while their military spending passed the threshold of acceptable. To stop all stagnation occurring, Gorbachev introduced the ideals of Glasnost and Perestroika to patch the communist system, and make it work more suitable. All it really did was allow people to openly criticise their system and soon there was a calling for it to be replaced by citizens. The Communist ideology was not delivering theparadise for workers the government had promised, wages were stagnant, housing was poor, transport was difficult and from the lifestyle was extremely different from the West. Soviet children were becoming languor of being told that they watch certain films, that they couldnt listen to music from the west, and listen to Western Radio station. Glasnost had allowed them to speak out against their regime and allowed them to listen music they chose. In the Republics, people were becoming tired of the Soviets. Citizens w anted to govern themselves, or have more choice within the Soviet idea, but the government would not falter. Glasnost created the opportunity where they could criticise and begin to organise themselves. Eventually the people in the Republics started protesting, requesting independence, and after the collapse of the union, it was achieved. The event that finally ceased the Soviet Union into the history was the failed coup of August 1991. Communist associates attempted to remove Gorbachev from office, and place in a more stalinist style government. In two months of the coup the Soviet Union was no longer existed. In all of this, was the fact that the state elite no longer believed in communism ideals, and began to see how capitalism gave the chance to gain wealth like their Western rivals earn. The elite abandoned any previous thoughts of communism from 1989 and below, setting up banks and businesses and taking ownership of the companies where they worked. The final revolution had end ed the Soviet Union. In conclusion, the Arms race in the Cold War era between the USSR and U.S in 1945-1991 was a poor situation for both superpowers. The Arms race in the Cold War, had negative results on the opposing superpowers. Due to the cold war being a continuous state of political and military tension between the United States with NATO and other allies; against powers like the Soviet Union with the Warsaw Pact and other allies.These effects created a deteriorating relationship between the USA and the USSR, the Cuban Missile Crisis and contributed to the financial downfall of the Soviet Union in its final days. The United States and Russia have a much more acceptable relationship in the current day, but in the Cold War era, the hostilities rose to a near breaking point level. The events that occured, created a time in history that can be referenced for many generations of how competing ideologies and too much power competition between superpower countries can result in dire situations like the of October 25 of 1962 if not handled correctly.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Toward a Definition of Modernism Essay -- Modernism Opera Literature E

Toward a Definition of Modernism Lawrence B. Gamache’s article â€Å"Toward a Definition of Modernism† encapsulates in its title the challenges critics meet in their attempts to formulate a coherent theoretical modernist model, though the quintessential modernist works –even at the time of this 1987 article – are over sixty years old. Indeed, the sheer number of scholarly books and articles that discuss or contribute to the debate surrounding the definition of modernism indicates the extent to which modernism is a term whose only non-contentious consensus is that it its meaning is fraught with ambiguity. Susan Stanford Friedman’s contribution to the debate summarizes the theoretical crises thus: As terms in an evolving scholarly discourse, modern, modernity, and modernism constitute a critical Tower of Babel, a cacophony of categories that become increasingly useless the more inconsistently they are used. We can regard them as a parody of critical discourse in which everyone keeps talking at the same time in a language without common meanings. When terms mean radically different or contradictory things to people, then their use appears to threaten the project of scholarship/teaching altogether. (497) â€Å"Cacophony† aside, because there are some artists, though disparate in style and genre, who persistently make it into the debate, and who are universally regarded as modernist, such as T.S. Eliot, James Joyce, Picasso, Schoenberg, Stravinsky, or Frank Lloyd Wright, there must be a unifying or underlying principle that is essentially modernist. Notably, however, the sister arts drama and opera are absent from the genres represented by the â€Å"quintessential modernist works† of the artists above. (Although Picasso designed opera ... ... Tradition 2nd Ed. Ed. David Richter. Boston: Bedford, 1998. 1127-1141. Mathey, Francois. The Impressionists. Trans. Jean Steinberg. New York: Praeger, 1961. Puchner, Martin. â€Å"Modernism and Anti-theatricality: An Afterward.† Modern Drama 44.3 (2001): 355-361. Schonberg, Harold C. The Lives of the Great Composers. 1970. London: Futura, 1982. Stolba, K Marie. The Development of Western Music: A History 2nd Ed. Wisconsin: Brown and Benchmark, 1994. Trammell Skaggs, Carmen. â€Å"Modernity’s Revision of the Dancing Daughter: The Salome Narrative of Wilde and Strauss.† College Literature 29.3 (2002): 124-139. Yeats, William Butler. â€Å"My First Meeting with Oscar Wilde.† The Trembling of the Veil, in Autobiography. New York: Macmillan, 1916. 79-85. Rpt. in Oscar Wilde A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Richard Ellman. New Jersey: Prentice, 1969. 9-15.